Sunday, October 26, 2014

Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO- How do they all work?


Aperture setting F2.8: Source

Aperture setting F16: Source

1. The body part that we relate aperture to is the eye because we use them to focus on the things.
2.The smaller the Aperture, the larger the F-number. The higher the aperture, the smaller the F-number.
3. Aperture affects the depth of field because the size of the aperture has an impact on the area of the image that is sharp.


Fast shutter speed: source
Slow shutter speed: Source

1. I would use different shutter speeds for different events. 
Sun is still out:
a) For a booth in the middle of the yard by the tree I would use a a low shutter speed because there isn't a lot of motion going on.
b) for a food both I would also use low shutter speed.
c) I would use a high shutter speed to capture the Silver Star's performance because they're dancing and it would be easier to capture their movement.
d) I would also use a high shutter speed to shoot photos of the students dancing in the courtyard because there is a lot of motion going on.
e) Even though there is a lot of movement going on when the people are streaming in throughout the front doors, I would use a low shutter speed because it would look really cool if the picture was blurry.
f) I would use a high shutter speed to capture the students shooting basketballs to capture their movement. 
Darker outside: 
a) For a booth in the middle of the yard by the tree I would use a low shutter speed.
b) For a food booth outside under the tree I would use a high shutter speed.
c) For the Silver Star's performance inside the gym I would use a high shutter speed.
d) For students dancing outside I would use a low shutter speed.
e) For people streaming in from the front doors I would use a low shutter speed.
f) For the basketball booth where students are shooting hoops I would use a low shutter speed.

2. The 3 settings a camera has regarding shutter speed are...
1- Shutter priority- camera automatically selects the aperture
2- Manual- you can set shutter and aperture yourself
3- Aperture priority- camera calculates shutter speed

ISO 200: Source

ISO 3200: Source

1. The advantages of shoot at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or night football is you will be able to quickly capture an image. Also, you'll be able to get ultra-fast shots.
2. The author suggested to use the lowest  ISO when when there is plenty of light. The lowest ISO is usually ISO 100 or 200. By doing this you'll be able to retain the most detail and have a high quality photo.
3. The author suggested to use a high ISO when there isn't enough light. He also suggests using the setting "Auto ISO" and set it to the maximum, which is ISO 800. By doing this you'll be able to freeze motion.

Aperture settings available on a DSLR camera:
  • 2.8
  • 4
  • 5.6
  • 8
  • 11
  • 16
  • 22
Shutter Speed settings:
  • 1 sec
  • 1/60 sec
  • 1/4000 sec
ISO settings:
  • 100
  • 200
  • 400
  • 800
  • 1600
  • 3200
  • 6400
  • 12800
  • 25600

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Project Photos

1. I felt a lot of emotions when looking through these photos. I felt happy because there was so much love displayed in these photos but I also felt sad because the woman kept getting sicker.
2. I think that the photographer meant that those photos didn't represent their whole life together. There's more to the their story than just cancer. The photos don't define them.
3. I don't know if I would be able to shoot photos like theses if I were in that situation because it's hard to see your loved ones suffer and you don't want to remember them as sad or sick. However, it seemed like the woman was displaying a positive attitude about what she was going through.
4. If I could write Angelo a letter I would tell him that his photos are very inspiring and meaningful. He was always there for his wife and was very strong.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks

1. What I read and the pictures I saw were very inspiring. It fascinated me to see that these photographers could get so close to these animals and feel such a great connection. It is interesting to know that there are cool jobs like this one. 
2. Photo by Nick Brandt

3. This picture is my favorite because I love how the photographer captured all of the dust in the air coming off the elephant. It is such an incredible image and it's truly inspiring. 
4. The rule of simplicity is evident in this photo because the photographer focused on the elephant and there isn't anything in the background that distracts from it. Another rule displayed in this photo is lines because there are many different types of lines. 
5. Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 6711with 2 fix lenses. He doesn't like to use telephoto lens because it generally frame the animal whereas he likes to capture the sky and landscape in the background as well. 
6. Nick likes to take these photos because he is moved by the animals and wants to create unique photos that capture the animals in their state of being before the cease to exist.
7. By taking these photos he hopes to show the world how valuable these amazing animals are and that we need to protect them. The problems keep getting greater and greater. All of these problems are caused by us and are threatening these beautiful creatures. 

8. "There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies." - Nick Brandt 

Abandoned Theme Parks 

1. I would like to visit the Six Flags in New Orleans and shoot photos of the abandoned rides. I think this would be an interesting place to take pictures because everything looks worn out and old. I also like all of the creepy statues of jokers and people. 

2. Favorite photo
3. There are other unusual places photographers might find interest in. For example:

  • Abandoned bowling alleys
  • Haunted houses 
  • Abandoned trains or rail cars in the countryside
  • Vintage creepy stores like Uncommon Objects in downtown Austin
  • Circuses or abandoned circuses 

5. I think that it would be fun to document photos near the port in Wallaroo, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia like the photo above. I like how these pictures look because they are so simple. The simplicity gives the photo an abandoned looking feel. I would take photos of inside the abandoned rail cars and also have the pictures if the landscape behind it like the photo. 
6. It would take a lot of work to go and take photos at this location. As far as equipment goes, I would need a camera. For travel plans I would have to book a flight and find a hotel to stay in which brings me to expenses. It would cost a lot of money to buy a plane ticket, pay for my stay at a hotel, and rent a car. I would also have to take certain laws into consideration while taking photos at this spot because I can't just go onto someones property without permission. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Corinne and Viviana are the best of friends and are trying to take a decent picture. Viviana didn't seem to get the memo though.
Carl is  walking out of  Disney Land.  Looks like he knew how to have some fun!
Frank, Bob, and Joe are demonstrating the quote "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil". Seems like their friend Hope demonstrated the opposite.

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

What first caught my eye when seeing these photographs was how interesting they all looked. All of these photos were full of detail but simple at the same time. 

    As I peek outside my apartment window, I see a man standing on his windowsill with only foot. The only thing that's keeping him from falling is the one hand he's holding on with. I can faintly smell something cooking from inside his apartment and I can almost taste it myself.  I'm curious to know what he's trying to listen too but all I hear is the busy streets of cars bellow us. I feel the strong swoosh of the wind on my face, almost knocking the man down and I feel afraid for the man's life. 

    I see a man, a brave soldier fighting for our country. His face is covered in dirt and a cigarette hangs from his mouth. I can smell the scent of cigarette smoke lurking in the air. It's so strong I can almost taste it. All I hear is the loading of the guns and shouts from their commanders. I feel grateful for these people who are willing to protect us. 

I would like to create a powerpoint or a blog to share my thoughts and ideas about my photographer, W. Eugene Smith, with my classmates and the rest of the school. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Photo Mural Project

1. A theme we could do at Bowie would be Bowie Students and we could place the mural in the school for everyone to see. It would be cool to take picture of Bowie students participating in clubs or just doing something in different parts of Bowie.
2. We should use cameras because they take better quality photos than phones do and not everyone has phones that take great pictures.
3. I would want to put the mural in the courtyard because thats the most common place in Bowie.

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. I faced some challenges while trying to capture the photos while following the rules. It was hard to find students naturally following a rule of photography because I didn't want to stage or force the rule.  One of the most challenging rules to capture was framing.
2. I found myself mostly thinking about simplicity because I saw it almost everywhere I went. To take a good picture following this rule I had to make sure it wasn't busy or loud.
3. If I could do this photo shoot again I would work on capturing a better photo following the rule of framing and balance. I think that I get to caught up in following the rules instead of just shooting nut keeping the rules in mind.
4. I would take the same picture but enhance them and make them better.
5. When I go out to take pictures the next time I think that the easiest rule to achieve would be lines because there are lines everywhere and they are easy to capture.
6. The hardest rule to capture would probably framing because I had trouble with it during this photo shoot.
7. I'm still not clear on balance and I think that I could figure it out by asking the teacher or my photo shoot partner to explain it to me. I could also go online and review what I learned.

Natalie Trujillo's Blog:

Natalie's pictures are very simple and creative. She could work on trying to capture photos from different angles.

Academic Photo Shoot

I followed the rule well because there are 2 students on both sides of the photo which shows balance. The subjects of the photo are the 2 students in art class working on an assignment and having a fun time. It is clear who the subjects of the photo are because they are the only ones in it. I think I could have done a better job of making sure that I was in the center when taking the photo. 
I think that I followed the rule of framing but it could have been better. The subject of this photo is the girl working on her homework during her off period. It's clear who the subject of the photo is because she is the only one in the photo and the background has no distractions. Also, she is wearing bright colors which makes her stand out. I could have followed the rule better by getting a better capture of the girl. 
I followed the rule of simplicity because the photo is focused on one person and there isn't any distractions in the background. The subject of the photo is the student studying in the library. It's very clear to see that she is the subject of the picture because all the attention is on her and nobody else is in the photograph. I think that I could have done a better job by removing the water bottle and maybe centering the girl. 
Rule of Thirds: 
I followed the rule of thirds because the student is on the right hand side of the photo. The subject of the photo is the girl with the camera who was taking pictures for her photojournalism class. It is clear to see who the subject of the photo is because she is the main focus. However, the 2 people walking in the back are a distraction. I could have followed this rule better by making sure that nobody was walking in the background. 
I followed the rule well because there are a lot of leading lines displayed in the photograph. There are horizontal lines on her shirt and many different lines on her artwork.  The subject of the picture is the art student working on a piece of artwork. It's clear to see that she is the subject because the focus is on her and her painting. I could have done a better job of capturing this rule by positioning my camera differently.