Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Academic Shoot reflection and critique

1. I faced some challenges while trying to capture the photos while following the rules. It was hard to find students naturally following a rule of photography because I didn't want to stage or force the rule.  One of the most challenging rules to capture was framing.
2. I found myself mostly thinking about simplicity because I saw it almost everywhere I went. To take a good picture following this rule I had to make sure it wasn't busy or loud.
3. If I could do this photo shoot again I would work on capturing a better photo following the rule of framing and balance. I think that I get to caught up in following the rules instead of just shooting nut keeping the rules in mind.
4. I would take the same picture but enhance them and make them better.
5. When I go out to take pictures the next time I think that the easiest rule to achieve would be lines because there are lines everywhere and they are easy to capture.
6. The hardest rule to capture would probably framing because I had trouble with it during this photo shoot.
7. I'm still not clear on balance and I think that I could figure it out by asking the teacher or my photo shoot partner to explain it to me. I could also go online and review what I learned.

Natalie Trujillo's Blog:

Natalie's pictures are very simple and creative. She could work on trying to capture photos from different angles.

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