Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Photo Illustration Practice

HDR Photography

1. To create an HDR image you need to manipulate the ISO.
2. I need a camera, tripod, and photoshop. 
3. Someone might take an HDR image to get a 3D effect. 
4. Once we merge the images we will see a higher quality photo and a 3D effect. 

My HDR Image

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Big Day

The story was about a man trying to get to the woman he loves before she marries someone else. He was running late because he was stuck in traffic. He finally got there right before they were saying their vows. The purpose of the entire video was to advertise the Volkswagen car.

Who - Jeremy
What - is driving to the church to stop Sara from marrying Ethan
When - March 20th, Sara's wedding day
Where - on the road and then in a church in Germany
Why - to protest his love to Sara
How - by driving the new Volkswagen

A man named Jeremy is driving anxiously down the wet roads in a Volkswagen. He's on his way to a church where the bride, Sara,  is preparing to walk down the aisle and marry Ethan. Sara feels nervous and is showing signs of uncertainty. "I'm not sure I'm making the right choice," said Sara. Meanwhile, Jeremy is trying to overcome obstacles to reach the church and arrives just in time to protest his love for Sara and stop the big day. "I'm in love with Sara, and I think she loves me too," said Jeremy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Final Exam Preview Assignment

1)    The first thing I watched was a video using the second link. The video taught  me how to use iMovie. Also, it showed me how to get started and the best things to use. 
        I also read about the basic editing in iMovie using the last link. It showed me where everything is located. It also taught me important things like trimming, splitting a clip, and more. 

2) One thing that I already knew about iMovie was how to choose a theme for the project but the websites did a good job of explaining it.

3) One new thing I learned was how to trim the clips.

4) I'm concerned about the audio part of the project. 

5) I'm confident that I'll be able to get all the pictures done early and ready to use.

6) I was thinking that for my video I can do the process of sister's swim meet and how she prepares for it. 

Baltimore Riot

Being a photographer during the riot in Baltimore would be challenging. Trying to capture everything  would be a difficult task because there was so much happening. Also, if I wanted great photos I would have to put myself in the position where I'm up close and personal which could be dangerous. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Portfolio Analysis

Part 1 - Portfolios

a. Alyssa Schukar
b. stories
c. 1- missing emotion 2- each picture is kind of similar 3- most pictures weren't optimistic
d. 1- They liked the background of the picture of the man sweeping 2- They also really liked the picture of the girl that fell during a track meet
e. My overall impression is that the photographer could have done better showing the emotion in the stories

a. Travis Haughton
b. stories and sports
c. 1- too much photoshop in some images 2- too tight 3- can't tell what the message is
d. 1- they liked the first picture because it didn't look staged 2- they also liked the sports image of the baseball player coming after the ball
e. My overall impression is that the photographer should have captured the entire frame for most of the pictures.

a. Justin Mott
b. stories and photo journalism
c. 1- bad selective focus 2- portfolio building needs work 3- about 2 of the images didn't really tell a story
d. 1- good point of view and good use of composition 2- interesting and unique stories
e. My overall impression is that the photographer did a really good job of trying different things which captured very interesting pictures.

Winning Portfolio:
a. The judges liked how Dustin was always in the middle of everything that was happening. They also liked how everyone was doing something in one of the pictures.
b. I liked how creative some the pictures were and how the photographer used a lot of good composition. I didn't really see that many weaknesses.

Recap Video:
a. The judges ended up narrowing it down to 2 portfolios and were looking at the structure of the portfolios and which photographer had the most outstanding pictures. The winner had 15/15 great photos and good editing skills also.

Part 2 - Individual Images

1. I agree with the judges that the picture story of the dogs tells the entire story.
2. I dont agree with the judges that the goose picture is the best picture because there were so many other pictures that I feel were more interesting.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Student of The Month Full Story

It was just a normal A day at Bowie High School when Kathleen Nguyen got a note calling her down to the office. Little did she know all her hard work was about to be recognized as Mr. Kane announces her as the 2015 April Student of The Month.
Kathleen worked very hard and her teachers wanted her to be recognized for her ambitiousness and leadership. The Student of The Month award displays just how hard working she is.
“It feels really exciting to be The Student of The Month but also very nerve racking because there’s a of pressure on me,” Nguyen said. She also received an award from our principle, Mr. Kane.
“I received a certificate and a $50 gift card,” Nguyen said. Kathleen was awarded this for many reasons.
“I worked very hard and never gave up,” she said. Kathleen has always been determined to get the best grades.
“I usually study for about 1-3 hours for quizzes and test,” she explains. On top of all the studying, Kathleen is in 2 clubs at Bowie.
“I’m in the National Honors Society and Key Club,” Nguyen said. Although these clubs make school more exciting there are more reasons why she likes coming to school.
“I definitely like seeing my friends on a day to day basis because I know that when high school ends I won’t see them as much,” she explains.  After high school Kathleen has her own goals in mind.
“My goals are to be more independent, go to a good college, and get my own job,” Nguyen said.

Student of the Month Story

Who -  Kathleen Nguyen
What -  became Student of the Month
When -  April 2015
Where - Bowie High School 
Why - she worked hard and her teachers and the principle recognized it
How - her mom received an email and then she got called down to the office to receive a certificate

Monday, April 20, 2015

Nut Graf

      A "nut graf" is a paragraph in a feature story that explains the news value of the story. It's a slang term used by editors at newspapers and magazines. The nut graf summarizes the most important parts of the story. 
      It also puts the entire story in context and allows the readers to know why the story matters. The nut graf is the most important section of a story because it tells the reader why they should be reading. It "hooks" the reader to the story to make them want to keep reading.

Inverted Pyramid

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Learning how to Interview Step 1 - Assignment 2 / My First Interview

Assignment 2: Student of the Month

20 questions -
1) How does it feel to be Student of the Month?
It feels really exciting but also very nerve recking because there's a lot of pressure on me.
2) Were you surprised? Why or why not?
I was surprised because I don't have the best GPA or grades in the entire school.
3) How did you become Student of the Month?
I'm in a lot of clubs and do a lot of volunteer work.
4) What did you achieve to receive this title?
I worked very hard and never gave up.
5) Do you have good grades?
Yes, I have mostly straight A's. 
6) Are you taking Pre- AP classes?
Yes, I take pre-ap math, english, and geography.
7) Are you in any extra curricular activities? If so what are they?
I'm not in any extracurricular activities. 
8) What is your favorite class? Why?
My favorite class is geography because because the teacher grades easily and the work load isn't too bad.
9) How long do you take studying for quizzes and tests?
I usually study for about 1-3 hours.
10) How did you find out you're Student of the Month?
My mom received an email and I got called down to the office.
11) Are you in any clubs at Bowie? If so which ones?
I'm in NHS and Key Club.
12) What are your goals for the future?
My goals are to be more independent and get my own job.
13) What do you like most about school?
I definitely like seeing my friends on a day to day basis because I know that when high school ends I won't see them as much. 
14) Did you recieve anything for being Student of the Month?
I received a certificate and a $50 gift card.
15) On average, how many hours of homework do you have each night?
I have about 2-3 hours of homework each night. 
16) What time do you go to sleep each night?
I got to sleep between 12 and 1am. 
17) Do you take a LOTE? If so which one?
I take French 1 and plan on continuing it through high school. 
18) What is your least favorite thing about school?
Projects are my least favorite things about school because they are very time consuming which is especially hard in high school. 
19) What electives are you in?
I'm in photojournalism, band, french, and pre-drill.
20) What is your worst subject?
My worst subject is english because the stories we read are boring. 

I interviewed: Kathleen Nguyen 

Learning How to Interview Step 1 - School Uniforms

Assignment 1: School Uniforms

3 different sources - 
1) a teacher
2) Mr. Kane
3) a student leader

20 questions -
1) Do you think having uniforms is a good idea? Why or why not?
2) What are the pros of having uniforms?
3) What are the cons of having uniforms?
4) How do you think students will react to having uniforms?
5) Do you think having uniforms is taking away freedom of expression?
6) Will all grade levels be expected to wear these uniforms?
7) Why is this being enforced now?
8) How do you think parents will react to this?
9) Do the teachers agree with this new policy?
10) What will the uniforms look like?
11) Do parents/students have a say in this decision?
12) How will the dress code rules change now that there are uniforms?
13) Starting when will the uniforms be enforced?
14) How long has the idea been in place?
15) Do you think students will rebel against the new policy?
16) Would the staff also have to follow this policy?
17) What are the penalties of not wearing the uniforms?
18) What is the purpose of the uniform?
19) Will the uniforms be given to the students through the school or would you have to buy them?
20) Would piercing, hair color, etc. be against the new dress code? 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Architecture Shoot Preview 2

Building: La Pedrera 

1) Details - This picture shows detail because it shows some character of the building. Also, you can see all the little designs that went into creating these beautiful structures.
2) Light -  This picture shows light because you can see how the light interacts with the building. Also, it created an amazing scene that made the building look like it was glowing.
3) Patterns - This picture represents patterns because the architect used the same wavy pattern over and over again. The pattern gives the building a unique look. 
4) Angles and Shapes - This picture represents angles and shapes because it shows the variety of shapes the building has. This spiral looking structure is very interesting and makes the building even more unique.
5) Surroundings -  This picture displays surroundings because it shows where La Pedrera is located and what goes on around it. Also, it shows how things around the building might have changed since it was built in 1906. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Warm Up - Sensory Overload

1. I think that the statement shares a valid point and I agree with it. As an aspiring photographer this makes me feel that photographers should take more pictures of the environment to show how important it is.
2. When I saw the images, it made me want to visit that place and take pictures to show how people are only surrounding themselves with materialistic things instead of their environment outside.
3. I would find that it would be interesting and fun to be able to play with all the toys but would probably get tired of being indoors all day.
4.  My favorite photo is the one with all the stuffed animals because there is a lot of color and it caught my eye.

Warm Up - iPhone Photos

1. Although all the pictures were amazing, I really enjoyed the 5th picture from the top. I love the angle it was taken and how all the white leading lines stand out. Also, I think that making the image black and white made the picture more interesting. This picture defiantly caught my eye.
2. No, these images look like they were taken on professional cameras not iPhones.
3. The apps they used probably enhanced their image.
4. 2 tips I would use for my own photography would be to try different perspectives and to create depth.

Architecture Preview

La Pedera,Spain

1.  The architects were Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol.
2. It was built in 1906.
3. It's located in Casa Mila, Spain.
4. You can visit it but the only areas that cannot be visited are the private homes and offices that remain in the building.
5. The cost is unknown but researchers say it was very expensive. 
6. It was built because Pere Milà had seen another house and was intrigued by its beauty, so he asked Gaudí to construct a large building of rental flats on his new land.
7. I picked this building because the architecture in Spain is so beautiful and I've always wanted to visit Spain. Also, I had heard about this building and wanted to learn more about it. This building is amazing and so interesting to learn about. 

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria

1.  The architects were Sir Peter Cook and Colin Fournier.
2. It was built in 2003.
3. It is located in Graz, Austria.
4. It is an art museum that is open to the public. 
5. The exact cost is unknown but in the end the total cost was way less than they expected. 
6. It was built as part of the European Capital of Culture celebrations in 2003.
7. I picked this building because I've always wanted to go to Austria.This building has become very well known and I wanted to learn more about what is inside. Also, the pictures looked very interesting. 

Habitat 67, Canada
1. The architect is Moshe Safdie.
2. Construction began in 1967.
3. It is located in Montreal, Canada.
4. You can visit it but most people that go live there.
5. It cost $140,000 per square unit. 
6. It was built to help overpopulation but still have the same atmosphere as a regular suburban city. 
7. I picked this building because the pictures looked interesting. I like how different it is and it is cool to learn about how other people live in different parts of the world. 

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

1. The architect is Tom Wright.
2. The constructions finished in 1999.
3. It is located in Dubai, Jumeirah Beach.
4. Open to the public but you have to pay to get in. 
5. It cost $650,000,000 to build. 
6. Tom Wright wanted Dubai to have an iconic building.
7. I picked this building because I love the beach and the pictures looked interesting. Also, I never heard of a building like this in Dubai so I was curious. It's always cool to learn about places you don't know that much about. 

Eden project, United Kingdom
1. The architect is Nicholas Grimshaw. 
2. It was built in 2001.
3. It is located in Cornwall, England.
4. It is open to the public.
5. It cost 86.5 euros to build it. 
6. It was bolt to connect nature to humanity. 
7. I picked this because the picture is very different from the other buildings I've seen. Also, I really like the reason why it was built. I would want to visit this place in the future. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Action Preview Assignment Warm Up

1. I think that picture is part of a winning sports photography portfolio because it captures a moment in a significant part of the event. Also, the action is frozen in time.
2. The shutter speed is probably high because there is no blur.
3. Yes, this is a key moment in the game. It's an important ritual.
4. I think that this photo could have been planned because the photographer could see the players carrying the buckets of water.
5. Some advanced techniques in this photo are aperture, shutter speed, and balance because the photographer did a great job in capturing this moment.

Monday, February 23, 2015

News Values

Timeliness: Link
"Almost famous"
This article is an example of timeliness because this news is very new. The article was just posted this morning.
Proximity: Link
"Lineups for SXSW parties coming together"
This article is an example of proximity because it talks about SXSW, an event that happens in Austin. The article was published in Austin by the Austin American-Statesman making it proximity.
Prominence: Link
"Australian Leader Outlines Crackdown on Terrorism"
This article is an example of prominence because it contains very important information. It talks about how an important person, the leader of Australia, wants to handle an important topic, terrorism. 
Impact: Link
"Oscars Extra"
This article is an example of impact because the awards effect what movies people might want to see in the future. The article talks about everything that happened last night at the Oscars.
Conflict: Link
"Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the U.S. and Iran"
This article is an example of conflict because there are 2 opposing forces, the U.S. and Iran. The article was saying that there is going to be more war between them which is a physical conflict.
Human Interest: Link
"Fighting Is Long Over, but Western Sahara Still Lacks Peace"
This article is an example of human interest because it deals with the emotional struggle the people of the Sahara are facing. Also, people are interested in this because they want to know what is going on in the world and what can be done to help them. 
Novelty: Link
"25 thoughts New England students had this winter"
This article is an example of novelty because out attracts people to read unusual things. The article talks about the unusual things New England students do during the winter when school would get cancelled.  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page:
"Cancer diagnosis doesn't stop Gomez"
A theater teacher at Bowie, Roberto Gomez, was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer. After an unsuccessful operation he began teaching again. Now, there are fun raisers and community organizations to support the Gomez family.
who? Roberto Gomez
what? was diagnosed with cancer
where? in his kidneys
when? November 2014
why? unknown
how? uncontrolled cell growth
quoted: Lauren Gomez (his daughter), Rachel Gomez, and Roberto Gomez
strongest quote: The stongest quote in my opinion is when his wife, Rachel Gomez, was talking about how supportive
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a sentence not a quote.

Student Life:
"You love em', hate em', but date em'"
The article is about the difficulties in high school relationships. The students think the relationships are helpful in the long run and the teachers think they're to see what you dislike and like in different people. Balancing relationships and all the other important things in your life is important.
who? students at Bowie
what? discuss high school relationships
where? Bowie
when? during school
why? shows the benefits and difficulties of relationships in high school
how? can be life lessons
quoted: Ethan Long, Anna Ambrosino, Alejandro Garcia
strongest quote: Garcia's quote about learning to balance family, friends, grades, and relationships.
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a quote.

"Eric Moe and Nathan Hull awarded for art"
Two students at Bowie, Eric Moe and Nathan Hull, were awarded for their art. They competed in the Scholastic art and writing competition. Their work is at the Scanlan Gallery.
who? Eric and Nathan
what? won awards
where? at the Scholastic art and writing competition
when? December 10th
why? for their art
how? by entering their work
quoted: Eric Moe, Ethan Hull, Caryle Brookshire
strongest quote: Eric Moe's quote about how he was shocked that he won.
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a sentence not a quote.

"World Champion Hits the Target"
Brooke Landry is the highest ranking young female knife thrower in the world. She was the youngest to break the record of 200. Brooke has been practicing with her father for 12 years.
who? Brooke Landry
what? is the highest ranking young female knife thrower in the world
when? 2015
why? by breaking the record
how? practicing with her father for 12 years
quoted: Brooke and Mike Landry, Gillian Sitler
strongest: The quote that said that she was the youngest female to break the record.
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a quote.

"Evita takes the Stage"
The Starlight Theater Company at Bowie performed the musical "Evita". Many different amazing Bowie actors performed in this musical. They showed the life of Eva Peron.
who? Starlight Theater Company
what? perform "Evita" the musical
where? at Bowie
when? month of January
why? to show the life of Eva Peron's Life
how? rehearsing
quoted: kalyn holloway, lily howard, morgan martel, paige bradbury, chloe byars, maddy sparks, LaRue.
strongest: LaRue's quote about what she liked best about performing. 
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a sentence not a quote.


"Graffiti becoming a part of Austin"
Student, Kamryn Brice, talks about how graffiti is now a big part of Austin. Artists like to create their artwork around different places in Austin. It's a part of Austin's unique culture.
who? Kamryn Brice
what? talks about graffiti in Austin
where? Austin
when? current
why? Graffiti has become a big part of Austin's uniqueness
how? artists like to show their artwork
quoted: Kamryn Brice
strongest: When Kamryn talked about how graffiti is a part of creative culture.
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
The conclusion was a sentence not a quote.

In Depth: 
"Hands free cell phone policy enacted"
Austin has a new policy to ensure the safety of the people in Austin. The new policy is called the "hands free policy". This policy makes using a device while driving illegal.
Who?  People who live in Austin
What? have a new hands free policy
Where? Austin
When? January 2015
Why? for better safety 
How? By banning using a device while driving a vehicle
quoted: Marielle Lopez, Lauren Guilette, and Stacy Stacher.
Strongest: "It promises to be successful way to prevent a lot of texting related accidents."
Yes, the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.

The conclusion was a quote.

1. My favorite photo is the "in the spotlight" photo from "The Whole Production of Evita"
1A. It's my favorite because I love all the color and different rules of photography represented.
1B. Lines, simplicity, and balance are all displayed.
2. My least favorite photo is the last picture under "Human's of Bowie".
2A. It's my least favorite because it's too dark and the person isn't centered. 
3. I think that I would like to do Student Life because it looks the funnest.
4. The photography was good but could have been better. The weakest thing I saw was the exposure because some of the images were very dark. The stronger aspects were that they were good quality pictures. 

My Yearbook Spread

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Other high school newspapers

1. My favorite newspaper front page is titled "the lake".
2. It immediately grabbed my attention because of the bright neon colors.
3. My favorite headline from this newspaper is titled "Raise Your Voice" because it's the main story and it looks interesting.
4. There are no stories on the front page.
5. I noticed that almost all newspaper front pages have a title, picture, and a subtitle.
6. The design, title, subtitle, and size vary on the front pages of different newspapers.
7. There were some similarities between the high school newspapers and daily newspapers, but for the most part they were different.

Broadsheet examples- 
"Granite Bay Gazette"
"The Register"
"The Sidekick"

Tabloid examples-
"Eagle Edition"
"The Phoenix"
"Quaker Shaker"

NewsMagazine examples-
"The lake"
"North Star"
"El Estoque"

Headlines- a title at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.
Subheadlines-  a heading given to a subsection of a piece of writing.
Lines- a horizontal row of written or printed words.
Boxes- an area enclosed with, usually, straight lines.
Photos- pictures of events that correspond to the stories
Teaser- very brief pieces of visual or textural information
Flag- the name of a newspaper as it's displayed on page one. Also called a nameplate.
Folios- type at the top of an inside page giving the newspapers name, date, and page number.
Captions- a few lines of text providing descriptive information about a photo.
Stories- an account of past events.
Bylines- the reporters name, usually at the beginning of a story.
Jumps- text that has been continued to another page.
Story dividers- Something that divides stories.
Screens- A pattern of tiny dots used to create gray areas. 
Infographics- Newsroom slang for "informational graphic"; any map, chart or diagram used to analyze an event, object or place.
Masthead/staff box- Staff names and publication data, often printed on the editorial page.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Front Pages of the World

1. The Lompoc Record's newspaper front page is my favorite because it it was the first newspaper to catch my eye. The pictures have bright colors and the layout looks attractive.
2. My favorite head line from this newspaper is "Students learn about La Purisima Mission Life during learning history event". I'm interested in it because of the picture and it looks like an interesting story.
3. There are 4 stories on the front page of this magazine. Most are very short.
4. Most of the newspaper's have a dominant story and picture, captions, and large texts for headlines on their front page.
5. The newspaper's vary in the amount of stories, length of the stories, and their layout on their front page.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Yearbook Intro

Every yearbook should have...
1. a cover with a title, school name, and year
2. table of contents
3. numbers on pages
4. themes
5. correct spelling/grammer
6. team photos
7. text and captions
8. high quality images
9. Index
10. club photos
11. seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen pictures
12. photographer information
13. "student life" section
14. "sports" section
15. "clubs and organizations" section
16. "Academics" section
17. Homecoming pictures
18. Senior Superlatives
19. Senior Ads
20. Faculty pictures
21. "Electives" spread
22. School trip pictures
23. "What's Popular/trends" for students that year spread
24. title on each page
25. design on the front and back cover

1. The title of the yearbook I looked through is "Keeping it Chill".
2. The school is Anderson High School.
3. The same corresponding fonts, colors, and themes that apply to each spread.
4. There are 8 sections in this yearbook.
5. My favorite spread is "The Best Place for…" spread.
6. Yes, there is an index in the book.
7. Yes, there are photos of clubs, groups, and organizations.
8. Yes, there is a table of content.
9. There were about 1,633 people who went to Anderson High School in 2011.
10. The book is from Texas.