Assignment 2: Student of the Month
20 questions -
1) How does it feel to be Student of the Month?
It feels really exciting but also very nerve recking because there's a lot of pressure on me.
2) Were you surprised? Why or why not?
I was surprised because I don't have the best GPA or grades in the entire school.
3) How did you become Student of the Month?
I'm in a lot of clubs and do a lot of volunteer work.
4) What did you achieve to receive this title?
I worked very hard and never gave up.
5) Do you have good grades?
Yes, I have mostly straight A's.
6) Are you taking Pre- AP classes?
Yes, I take pre-ap math, english, and geography.
7) Are you in any extra curricular activities? If so what are they?
I'm not in any extracurricular activities.
8) What is your favorite class? Why?
My favorite class is geography because because the teacher grades easily and the work load isn't too bad.
9) How long do you take studying for quizzes and tests?
I usually study for about 1-3 hours.
10) How did you find out you're Student of the Month?
My mom received an email and I got called down to the office.
11) Are you in any clubs at Bowie? If so which ones?
I'm in NHS and Key Club.
12) What are your goals for the future?
My goals are to be more independent and get my own job.
13) What do you like most about school?
I definitely like seeing my friends on a day to day basis because I know that when high school ends I won't see them as much.
14) Did you recieve anything for being Student of the Month?
I received a certificate and a $50 gift card.
15) On average, how many hours of homework do you have each night?
I have about 2-3 hours of homework each night.
16) What time do you go to sleep each night?
I got to sleep between 12 and 1am.
17) Do you take a LOTE? If so which one?
I take French 1 and plan on continuing it through high school.
18) What is your least favorite thing about school?
Projects are my least favorite things about school because they are very time consuming which is especially hard in high school.
19) What electives are you in?
I'm in photojournalism, band, french, and pre-drill.
20) What is your worst subject?
My worst subject is english because the stories we read are boring.
I interviewed: Kathleen Nguyen
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